Working Papers:
- The Impact of Immigration on Firms and Workers: Insights from the H-1B Lottery, with Agostina Brinatti, Mingyu Chen, Parag Mahajan and Nicolas Morales (IZA DP No. 16917)
- Immigration and Education: Early Insights from the Buslift to NYC, with Selen Ozgodan
- Thirty Years of the Trade NAFTA Guest Worker Program: New Facts and Trends from Microdata
- Estimating the State/Local Fiscal Impacts of DACA Recipients
- OPT Reforms and their Impacts on Program Usage and School-to-Work Transitions, with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
- Foreign and Native Skilled Workers: What can we learn from H-1B Lotteries?, with Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber. NBER Working Paper w21175 (2015)
Media Coverage: Vox, the Atlantic, Inside Higher Ed, Chalkbeat, and MarketWatch
Summary on ProMarket
- Trade Liberalization and Chinese Students in US Higher Education, Forthcoming at Review of Economics and Statistics, with Gaurav Khanna, Ariel Weinberger, Mingzhi Xu, Miaojie Yu
Center for Global Development Working Paper 536, July 2020
Media Coverage: Newswise - Coping with H-1B Shortages: Firm Performance and Mitigation Strategies, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2023), with Anna Maria Mayda, Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, and Chad Sparber
- Foreign Students in College and the Supply of STEM Graduates, Journal of Labor Economics (2023), with Massimo Anelli and Kevin Williams
- International Student Enrollments and Selectivity: Evidence from the Optional Practical Training Program, Economic Inquiry (2023), with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Huanan Xu
- Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2020), with Elira Kuka and Na'ama Shenhav
Media Coverage: Vox, the Atlantic, Inside Higher Ed, Chalkbeat, and MarketWatch
Summary on ProMarket
- The Effect of the H-1B Quota on the Employment and Selection of Foreign-Born Labor, European Economic Review (2018), with Anna Maria Mayda, Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, and Chad Sparber
- Do International Students Crowd-Out or Cross-Subsidize Americans in Higher Education? Journal of Public Economics (2017)
- Labor Market Openness, H-1B Visa Policy, and the Scale of International Student Enrollment in the US, Economic Inquiry (2016)
- STEM Workers, H-1B Visas and Productivity in US Cities, Journal of Labor Economics (2015), with Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber
Other Publications:
- A Reason to Wait: The Effect of Legal Status on Teen Pregnancy, with Elira Kuka and Na'ama Shenhav, American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (2020)
- New Data and Facts on H-1B Workers across Firms. with Anna Maria Mayda, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih and Chad Sparber. Forthcoming in The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in U.S. Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, edited by Ina Ganguli, Shulamit Kahn, and Megan MacGarvie, University of Chicago Press
- Recognizing the Role of Skilled Immigration, Science (2018, Book Review)
- Book Review: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration Edited by Francine D. Blau and Christopher Mackie, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2018, Book Review)
- Foreign Scientists and Engineers and Economic Growth in Canadian Labor Markets, with Giovanni Peri, The Economics of Cultural Diversity, Edited by Bakens, Nijkamp, Poot, Edward Elgar Publisher, Amsterdam, October 2014.
- Foreign Scientists and Engineers and Economic Growth, with Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber (2014), Cato Papers on Public Policy Vol. 3, pp. 107-174.
- Closing Economic Windows: How H-1B Visa Denials Cost U.S.-born Tech Workers Jobs and Wages During the Great Recession, with Giovanni Peri, Chad Sparber, and Angie M. Zeitlin (2014). Partnership for a New American Economy